ITC, the brand owner of the mens fashion line John Players recently launched a womens line with the tagname Miss Players. Now Hrithik is the brand ambassador of the John Plyaers fashion brand, the cute Amrita Rao has been chosen as the girl to represent the new fashion line..Enjoy the wallpapers (credit to her fansite for the walls)
Aguilera on the new campaign ads of Stephen Webster
Isha Sharvani
Isha Sharvani Sh00t For Pantaloons : Filmfare March’08 Scans
Isha Sharvani new PhotoSh00t for Pantaloons. Isha poses in indo-western wear from Pantaloons that’s perfect for the new age fusion look.Isha Sharvani was born in 1985 in Gujarat, India. She is an Indian dancer and actress. She is known for her stylistic and difficult dance performances. She has also starred in some Bollywood films.
She is trained in gymnastics, martial arts, yoga, ballet, kathak, aerial dance etc. She started dancing at the age of seven and has already performed in 22 countries in the last seven years. Her mother is of Indian-origin, Daksha Seth, dancer by profession. Her dad is Australian, Vissaro, a composer by profession. She has been named by her mom (first name) and aunt (last name). “Isha” means goddess, and “sharwani” means Parvati = Goddess Parvati.
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